Adjusting Electric Skateboard Speed Settings

By Matt Powell •  Updated: 03/10/24 •  8 min read

Electric skateboards are transforming the way we move, offering a blend of excitement and practicality that’s hard to match. With a remote control in hand, riders have the power to command their boards with precision, making every trip an adventure. This article aims to demystify the workings of this crucial component, ensuring you can harness its full potential for a smoother ride.

Understanding Your Electric Skateboard’s Remote Control

Electric Skateboard Remote Control: How It Works

An electric skateboard is a cutting-edge mode of transportation, becoming increasingly popular among both commuters and thrill-seekers. The convenience and efficiency of controlling speed and direction with a remote control make it a standout feature. Here’s a straightforward, step-by-step explanation of how your electric skateboard’s remote control functions.

At the core of an electric skateboard’s operation is the handheld remote. This device is typically wireless and connects to the skateboard’s motor through a Bluetooth connection. Once paired, the remote sends signals to the skateboard, telling it how to move based on your input.

Powering On: To start, turn on the skateboard and remote control by pressing their respective power buttons. Waiting for a few moments allows them to establish a connection. Most remotes and skateboards have LED indicators that show when they’re ready to go.

Speed Controls: The remote contains a throttle mechanism, often a trigger or a wheel, which you can push forward to accelerate or pull back to decelerate. The subtlety of your adjustments allows for smooth control over your speed.

Directional Steering: While the remote controls acceleration and deceleration, steering is typically managed by shifting your weight on the skateboard, much like a traditional skateboard. Some advanced models, however, may include buttons or levers on the remote for additional steering capabilities.

Safety Features: For safety, many remotes include a kill switch or an emergency stop feature. Activating this switch immediately cuts power to the motor, allowing you to stop quickly if needed.

Battery Indicators: Remotes often have lights or a small screen displaying your skateboard’s battery life. This feature is crucial for longer rides, ensuring you have enough power to reach your destination.

Recharging: Both your skateboard and its remote control will need recharging after use. They typically come with USB cables or charging cradles. Regular charging keeps them ready for your next ride.

Understanding how your electric skateboard’s remote control operates enhances your riding experience by affording you precise control over your movement. Always read the specific instructions provided with your board and remote for optimal performance and safety.

Image of an electric skateboard remote control and board

Photo by fazurrehman on Unsplash

Adjusting the Speed Settings on Your Electric Skateboard

Once familiarized with the fundamental aspects of operating your electric skateboard, including the use of its remote control, it’s vital to understand how to adjust speed settings for a tailored riding experience. This mastery ensures not only enjoyment but also enhanced safety. With electric skateboards becoming increasingly popular, manufacturers have ingeniously designed them to cater to riders’ varying proficiency levels, from beginners to experts. By adjusting your skateboard’s speed settings, you can safely navigate through your learning curve or push your limits if you’re an experienced rider.

Step 1: Locate the Speed Adjustment Button

Typically, the remote control houses a button or a series of buttons dedicated to adjusting the speed settings. This feature might be labeled with symbols like a tortoise and hare for slow and fast, respectively, or simply denoted as levels (e.g., 1, 2, 3). Prior to making any adjustments, ensure that both your skateboard and remote are powered on and properly synced.

Step 2: Understand Your Model’s Speed Tiers

Electric skateboards generally feature multiple speed modes – usually ranging from a beginner level to expert mode. Beginner settings prioritize safety with slower speeds and gentler accelerations, perfect for new users. Intermediate levels offer a balanced mix of speed and control. At the pinnacle, expert modes unlock the skateboard’s full potential, focusing on speed and agility. Delve into your user manual to comprehend the specifics and implications of each setting on your model.

Step 3: Selecting Your Desired Speed

To adjust the speed, simply press the identified button until you reach your desired setting. On several models, LED indicators on the remote or the skateboard will highlight the current speed tier through different colors or flash patterns. It’s essential to initiate these adjustments while stationary or moving at a slow pace to prevent any sudden jolts or loss of control.

Step 4: Test and Adjust Accordingly

After selecting an initial setting, gradually test your skateboard’s responsiveness by gently pushing the throttle. It gives you a feel for how the board accelerates and brakes at the new setting. If the chosen speed feels uncomfortable or you’re seeking more thrill, you can always re-adjust following the same process. Remember, the goal is to find a perfect balance between challenge and control, depending on your skills and the environment in which you’re riding.


Mastering the speed settings on your electric skateboard cultivates not only your riding proficiency but also ensures your safety. Frequent adjustments as you become more familiar with your board’s dynamics are crucial. As always, maintain a keen sense of awareness regarding your surroundings, and prioritize wearing safety gear irrespective of your skill level. By following these steps, you tailor your riding experience precisely to your comfort and capability, paving the way for countless enjoyable rides ahead.

Image of an electric skateboard with buttons for speed settings

Safety Precautions and Recommendations

Essential Safety Precautions When Adjusting Speed Settings on Electric Skateboards

Adjusting the speed settings on an electric skateboard necessitates a blend of knowledge and caution to ensure a safe riding experience. Habitually, users must be aware of the environment, including the terrain and traffic conditions, as these factors directly influence the safety and control of the skateboard. Following a methodical approach minimizes risks and enhances the rider’s command over the skateboard.

Wear Protective Gear

Before making any adjustments to your skateboard’s speed settings, ensure you’re equipped with essential protective gear. A helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards are paramount to shield you from potential accidents. This protective gear serves as a fundamental layer of defense against injuries, no matter the speed tier you select on your electric skateboard.

Start in a Safe Environment

Choosing an appropriate location to test and adjust your electric skateboard’s speed settings is crucial. Opt for an open area free from vehicular traffic, and preferably, choose a flat terrain to minimize unpredicted accelerations. Parks, empty parking lots, or quiet, residential streets early in the morning provide ideal conditions. The objective is to select a location where you can focus solely on mastering the speed controls without external pressures or dangers.

Foot Placement and Stance

Prior to accelerating, verify that your feet are correctly positioned on the skateboard. Your leading foot should be near the front of the board, at about a 45-degree angle, while your back foot should be perpendicular to the direction of travel. This stance gives you maximum stability and balance, allowing for easier speed adjustments and more controlled braking.

Gradual Speed Adjustments

When you’re ready to test different speed settings, start with the lowest tier first. Gradually adjust the speed upwards in small increments. Abrupt changes can surprise even experienced riders, leading to loss of control. By incrementally increasing the speed, you allow yourself time to adapt to the skateboard’s response and handling at different velocities.

Staying Alert

Maintain a high level of awareness while adjusting speed settings. Keep an eye out for potential hazards in your environment—such as potholes, rocks, pedestrians, or other obstacles. Swift reactions to these unexpected elements are often necessary to prevent accidents. Your heightened attention not only helps in navigating safely but also aids in developing instincts for how the skateboard behaves at various speeds.

Practice Emergency Stopping

Familiarize yourself with the emergency stop feature or kill switch of your electric skateboard. Practice employing these safety mechanisms in a controlled environment until their use becomes second nature. Knowing how to quickly and effectively bring your skateboard to a halt is imperative in case you find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation.

Listen to Your Comfort Level

Your confidence and comfort while riding play a significant role in how well you can manage speed adjustments. If at any point you feel uneasy or unsure, slow down. There’s no rush in progressing to higher speeds until you’re fully comfortable and in control at your current pace. Trusting your instincts can prevent accidents caused by overreaching beyond one’s skill level.

Navigating Speed Settings Responsibly

Understanding and adhering to these essential safety precautions when adjusting speed settings on electric skateboards emphasizes responsible riding practices. Both new and seasoned electric skateboard enthusiasts benefit from a cautious yet explorative approach to experiencing the full capabilities of their skateboards while prioritizing safety above all. Remember, mastery of speed settings enhances your riding experiences, ensuring they are both enjoyable and secure.

Image of someone riding an electric skateboard with safety gear, emphasizing the importance of proper safety precautions when riding an electric skateboard

Mastering your electric skateboard’s remote control and speed settings is more than just about enhancing your riding skills; it’s about embracing a safer and more enjoyable form of personal transportation. By paying attention to safety precautions and understanding how to adjust your ride according to your comfort level, you’re setting yourself up for countless exhilarating rides ahead. Let this knowledge empower you as you carve out new paths on your electric skateboard.

Matt Powell