Extend Skateboard Remote Battery Life

By Matt Powell •  Updated: 03/11/24 •  9 min read

Have you ever noticed how the performance of your electric skateboard remote can vary, leaving you puzzled about its inconsistency? This guide is designed to unravel the mystery behind it, focusing on the significant role that different types of batteries play. By understanding and selecting the right battery for your remote, you’re setting yourself up for an enhanced skateboarding experience. Let’s explore how this choice impacts performance and discover ways to ensure your ride is as smooth as possible.

Understanding Battery Types

Choosing the Right Battery for Your Electric Skateboard Remote: A Guide to Enhanced Performance

Have you ever wondered why your electric skateboard’s remote isn’t performing consistently? The answer might lie in the batteries powering it. In this instructable, you will learn how different types of batteries influence the performance of your remote and how choosing the right one can significantly upgrade your skateboarding experience. Let’s dive in!

Supplies Needed:

Understanding Battery Types:

  1. Alkaline Batteries: The most common type found in households. They are inexpensive but have a finite lifespan and might not deliver consistent power as they deplete.
  2. Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) Rechargeable Batteries: Eco-friendly due to their rechargeability. Offer a reliable power supply but can suffer from self-discharge if not used regularly.
  3. Lithium Batteries: Known for their long life and consistent output. They operate effectively in a range of temperatures, making them ideal for electric skateboard remotes used outdoors.

Step 1: Experimenting with Alkaline Batteries

Start by inserting fresh alkaline batteries into your electric skateboard remote. Test the remote’s response time and range. You may notice it performs well initially but tends to drop in responsiveness as the battery loses charge. This fluctuation can lead to an inconsistent skateboarding experience.

Step 2: Switching to NiMH Rechargeable Batteries

Swap out the alkaline batteries for NiMH rechargeable ones. Make sure they are fully charged before use. With NiMH batteries, expect a more consistent power output, which translates to steadier remote performance. However, remember to charge them regularly to avoid the reduced efficacy from self-discharge.

Step 3: Trying Out Lithium Batteries

Finally, test the remote with lithium batteries. Observe how the remote responds in terms of range and responsiveness. Lithium batteries provide the most reliable performance due to their ability to maintain consistent voltage levels over time, and perform exceptionally in both hot and cold conditions.

Understanding the Differences:

After trying out all three types, you’ll likely notice the superiority of lithium batteries in delivering consistent performance, even though they might be slightly more costly. NiMH batteries stand as a middle ground, offering reliability and eco-friendliness due to their rechargeability. Alkaline batteries, while convenient and cheap, may not be the best fit for applications where consistent power is crucial.

Making Your Choice:

Based on these experiments, choose the battery type that aligns with your priorities. If uninterrupted, consistent performance ranks high on your list, lithium batteries are your go-to. For an eco-friendly option, NiMH rechargeable batteries do the job well. For occasional use or if budget is a constraint, alkaline batteries can still be a choice with the understanding of their limitations.

Staying Powered Up:

Remember, the performance of your electric skateboard remote directly impacts your riding experience. Ensuring the remote is powered by the right type of battery can make a significant difference. Take your time to test and select the best option for you.

By following these guidelines, you’ll enhance your electric skateboarding journey with smoother controls and an altogether stronger performance from your remote. Your electric skateboard is only as good as the signals it receives, so empower it well!

Happy skateboarding!

Image of various types of batteries for electric skateboard remotes

Optimal Charging Practices

Continuing from the importance of selecting the ideal battery type for an electric skateboard remote, let’s delve into optimizing battery lifespan through proper charging practices.

Charging Tips to Maximize your Remote’s Battery Life

By incorporating these essential charging practices, you boost the life expectancy of your remote’s battery, ensuring countless uninterrupted skateboarding adventures. Efficient charging not only contributes to optimal remote performance but also supports ecological efforts by reducing waste.

A collection of batteries and chargers, representing proper charging practices for battery lifespan

Usage and Storage Tips

Ensuring Proper Remote Usage and Battery Conservation

In light of optimal performance and longevity, sensible usage of your electric skateboard remote is pivotal. Starting right, it ensures a commendable skating experience. Let’s explore how mindful practices can indeed stretch the battery’s life, maintaining peak performance of your remote.

1. Moderate Use:

Primordial in its essence, the axiom ‘moderate use leads to extended life’ holds merit here. Avoid unnecessary button presses and prolonged engagement. Remember, each interaction pulls a small charge from your battery reservoir.

2. Power Down:

When not skateboarding, turning off your remote conservatively conserves battery life. It’s a simple tweak in habit that curtails wasteful energy expenditure, ensuring your battery isn’t quietly seeping charge during idle periods.

3. Screen Brightness:

If your remote comes with a display, adjusting the screen brightness to a lower yet comfortable level can significantly spare battery power. High screen luminance demands a considerable amount of energy, unnecessary yet easily moderated with a few adjustments.

4. Feedback Vibration:

Many advanced remotes come with a vibrating feedback feature for alerts. Though useful, setting it to a minimal level or turning it off when not needed can prevent excess battery drain.

5. Limit Cold Exposure:

Batteries are generally not friends with cold environments – their chemistry does not favor low temperatures, leading to quicker discharges. When not in use, store the remote in a room-temperature setting, away from the chilly embrace of colder climes.

6. Beware of Moisture:

Water and electronic devices share a notoriously fractious relationship. With battery-equipped devices like your remote, moisture can lead to short circuits, ramping up unnecessary and harmful energy consumption. Keeping the remote dry is not only crucial for battery life but also for the electronics’ longevity.

7. Turn Off Backlight:

A feature found in some remotes, the backlight for keys or screens can be a subtle drain on your battery. If your routine doesn’t necessitate it, keeping this feature off can conserve energy, allowing for more substantial operational duration between charges.

8. Regular Usage:

Ironically, prolonged periods without usage can detrimentally affect battery life. Batteries thrive on a cycle of use and recharge; therefore, regular use prevents battery efficiency from degrading over time.

9. Proper Shutdown:

If your remote has a ‘shutdown’ or ‘power-off’ sequence, follow it accordingly. Abruptly removing batteries or keeping the device in sleep mode (if not using for long periods) can quietly sip power.

By adhering to these straightforward yet practical steps, the fulfillment of extending your electric skateboard remote’s battery life isn’t just a possibility but a guarantee. Ingrain these practices into your usage habits to enjoy prolonged skateboarding sessions without the fret of an abrupt power cut or deteriorating battery health. These adaptable habits are not just limited to skateboard remotes but can be generally applied to virtually any battery-operated gadgets in your arsenal. Remember, the longevity and reliability of your battery largely depend on how you use and care for it.

Image showing various tips for conserving battery usage on an electric skateboard remote

Photo by thkelley on Unsplash

Through careful selection and maintenance of your electric skateboard remote’s battery, not only do you guarantee smoother rides but also contribute to a more sustainable environment by opting for rechargeable options when possible. The knowledge gained from experimenting with various battery types empowers you to make informed decisions tailored to your skating style and needs. Remember, a well-powered remote is key to unlocking the full potential of your electric skateboard, ensuring every ride is enjoyable and uninterrupted. Keep these insights in mind as you power up for your next adventure on wheels.

Matt Powell