Night Skate: Safe Electric Boarding Tips

By Matt Powell •  Updated: 03/08/24 •  8 min read

Riding an electric skateboard at night brings its own set of challenges and safety concerns. This article aims to shed light on the essential gear and practices needed to ensure a safe experience. From protective equipment that guards against falls, to innovative lighting solutions that enhance visibility, we explore various strategies to keep riders safe. Additionally, we delve into the importance of environmental awareness and how it plays a crucial role in avoiding potential hazards. By equipping ourselves with the right knowledge and tools, we can enjoy the thrill of night riding while minimizing risks.

Wear the Right Gear

Essential Safety Gear for Night Riding on Electric Skateboards

When riding an electric skateboard at night, ensuring your safety should be your top priority. Adequate safety gear is not just advisable; it’s paramount to avoid accidents and injuries. Here’s a rundown of the essential safety equipment you’ll need for night rides on an electric skateboard.

1. Helmet: A helmet is non-negotiable. Choose one with MIPS technology for enhanced protection against impacts. For night riding, consider helmets with integrated LED lights or attachable light accessories to increase visibility. 2. Reflective Clothing: Wear clothing that has reflective panels or strips. Reflective vests, jackets, or even reflective tape applied to your usual riding attire can make a significant difference in how well motorists can see you after dark. 3. Lights: Equip your electric skateboard with front and rear lights. The front lights ensure you can see where you’re going, while the rear red lights make you visible to traffic following you. Opt for lights that have multiple modes, including a flashing setting to draw attention. 4. Wrist Guards: Falls can happen, and using your hands to break a fall is a natural instinct. Wrist guards protect your wrists from fractures and sprains, common injuries in skateboard accidents. 5. Knee and Elbow Pads: Protect your knees and elbows with padded protection. These areas are prone to injuries during falls. Look for pads that offer cushioning and fit securely without restricting movement. 6. Protective Eyewear: Although not as common, protective eyewear is essential to keep windborne debris out of your eyes while riding at night. Glasses with clear lenses or safety goggles can help maintain clear vision throughout your ride. 7. Appropriate Footwear: Lastly, wear closed shoes with good grip. They should offer stability and protect your feet during rides and in the event of a fall.


Equipping yourself with the right safety gear is crucial for night riding on electric skateboards. Not only does it protect you in case of falls, but it also makes you more visible to others, significantly reducing the risk of accidents. Make sure your safety gear checklist is complete before heading out on your nocturnal journey.

Illustration of safety gear for night riding on electric skateboards

Illuminate Your Path

Optimizing Electric Skateboard Night Visibility

Riding an electric skateboard at night introduces the challenge of ensuring you’re visible to others and can adequately see your path. Beyond the essentials like helmets, reflective clothing, and personal lighting, other strategies can significantly enhance night visibility for a safer ride. Here’s how electric skateboard riders can light up their path effectively when the sun goes down.

Strategically Mounted Board Lights

Adding lights directly to your skateboard provides dual benefits: it illuminates your path and makes you more visible to others. Consider installing underglow LED lights that mount to the bottom of the skateboard. These lights cast a broad, bright glow onto the ground surrounding your board, creating a highly effective visual footprint. For the front and rear of the board, opt for specifically designed skateboard headlights and taillights that can be easily attached and removed as needed. These lights improve forward visibility while making it clear to others where you are and in which direction you’re heading.

Lighting Considerations

When selecting lights for your skateboard, pay close attention to brightness levels, typically measured in lumens. For skateboarding at night, lights with a minimum of 300 lumens for the front light ensure that obstacles in your path are visible. Rear lights don’t need to be as bright but should be clearly visible to anyone behind you.

Battery life is another critical factor. Since electric skateboards can cover significant distances, choose lights with a battery life that exceeds your intended ride duration to avoid being left in the dark mid-trip. Rechargeable light options are both eco-friendly and cost-effective over time.

Syncing Lights with Movement

Innovation in skateboard lighting includes motion-activated lights that respond to your riding dynamics, such as braking or accelerating. These dynamic lights provide real-time updates to onlookers about your actions, increasing safety through enhanced communication via light signals.

Portable Flashlights and Headlamps

While board-mounted lights are crucial for visibility, carrying a portable flashlight or wearing a headlamp provides additional flexibility. These lights can be directed towards spots your board-mounted lights can’t reach, like into the distance or around corners, offering a more comprehensive lighting solution when navigating unpredictable or poorly lit areas.


Improving visibility when riding an electric skateboard at night is about blending preparation with innovative tools designed for safety. By equipping your skateboard with the right combination of lights and wearing a headlamp or carrying a flashlight, riders can significantly enhance their night visibility. These measures ensure not only your safety but also the safety of those around you, allowing for an enjoyable ride any time of day.

Image of a person riding an electric skateboard at night with bright lights for visibility

Stay Aware of Your Surroundings

Understanding Environmental Awareness while Skateboarding at Night

The essence of safely navigating an electric skateboard at night extends beyond personal protective equipment. Environmental awareness stands as a pivotal aspect, crucial for ensuring not only your safety but also the well-being of your surroundings. This section delves into the significance of environmental awareness and outlines steps to enhance it during nocturnal skateboarding adventures.

Recognizing and Interpreting Different Terrains

First and foremost, familiarizing oneself with the terrain is fundamental. Nighttime can severely limit visibility, turning seemingly familiar paths into challenging courses. Prioritize rides in well-known areas, and during daylight, take note of potential hazards—like potholes, uneven surfaces, and curbs—that are harder to detect in the dark.

Auditory Awareness Practices

Your sense of hearing becomes an invaluable asset after dusk. Reducing distractions such as music played through headphones can dramatically heighten your awareness of the environment. This practice allows skateboarders to listen for incoming traffic, pedestrians, or any other possible hazards unseen due to the night’s cloak.

Speed Control and Anticipation

Maintaining a manageable speed not only ensures control over the skateboard but also provides adequate reaction time to unforeseen obstacles or changes in terrain. Anticipation is key; always be prepared for the unexpected. Assume that pedestrians or vehicles can appear suddenly from blind spots, especially at intersections or driveways.

Animal Encounters Preparation

Nighttime hours may increase the likelihood of encountering animals, whether domestic pets out for a late walk or wildlife in less urban areas. Stay vigilant, slowing down in regions known for animal activity. A sudden animal appearance can startle both you and the animal, creating a potential risk for accidents.

Utilizing Technology for Enhanced Awareness

Advanced technology offers a plethora of tools that can enhance environmental awareness. Apps that provide real-time updates on weather changes or geolocation services to pinpoint safe riding routes are incredibly beneficial. Moreover, integrating motion sensor technology into gear can alert you to upcoming obstacles or changes in terrain through haptic feedback.

Building a Skateboarding-At-Night Community

Sharing experiences and insights with a community of nighttime electric skateboarders can significantly heighten collective safety. Whether through online forums or local meetups, discussing routes, safety tips, and potential hazards encountered on specific trails can prepare individuals better for their nocturnal rides.

Enhanced environmental awareness ensures not only a safer skating experience but also fosters a harmonious coexistence with our nocturnal surroundings. By preemptively addressing possible dangers and employing a mindful approach to skateboarding at night, enthusiasts can relish in the unique exhilaration provided by their adventure under the stars, all while maintaining safety as a paramount priority.

Image of a person riding an electric skateboard at night surrounded by stars and trees

Embracing the adventure of electric skateboarding after dark requires more than just courage; it demands preparation, proper gear, and a keen sense of awareness. By adhering to the guidelines outlined in this article, riders can significantly mitigate risks associated with nighttime skateboarding. Remembering to wear appropriate safety gear, illuminating both oneself and one’s path effectively, and staying alert to environmental cues are all critical steps towards ensuring a safer ride under the stars. Let these practices become second nature as you explore the nocturnal world on your electric skateboard, blending excitement with safety for an unforgettable experience.

Matt Powell