Solving Electric Skateboard Power Loss

By Matt Powell •  Updated: 02/19/24 •  8 min read

Being on top of your electric skateboard’s maintenance is just like nailing a perfect kickflip – it takes a little practice and a lot of attention to detail. Just like you’d check your trucks before hitting the skatepark, it’s key to stay in tune with your board’s battery health and connection. Think of it like a pre-skate checkup that keeps your rides smooth and your power kicking. We’ll also take a peek at the motor and wiring – it’s like the heart and veins of your board, so they need to be in tip-top shape. And, don’t forget those wheels and belts; they’re what keep you rolling without a hitch. Grab your tools, and let’s dive in to ensure your electric skateboard is ready to take on any ramp or rail with vigor!

Battery Health and Connection

How Battery Health Affects Your Electric Skateboard’s Power

Alright, skate fans! Let’s talk about something super crucial for your electric skateboard’s performance – battery health. Just like you need to stay hydrated to keep shredding the streets, your board’s battery needs to stay healthy to keep the power flowing. Here’s why it’s a big deal:

  1. Holds Less Charge Over Time
  2. Imagine your battery is like a backpack. When it’s new, it can carry a ton of snacks (aka electric juice) for your ride. But when it gets old, it’s like there’s a hole in it, and your snacks start falling out. A worn-out battery can’t hold as much charge, meaning less ride time and fewer sick tricks before you need a recharge.

  3. Sluggish Performance When Low
  4. The lower your battery’s health, the more it starts slacking off. You know when you’re tired, and you can’t skate as fast? It’s the same with a tired battery. It won’t give you that zippy acceleration and might even struggle to get up hills. It’s like it needs a serious dose of skateboard energy drink.

  5. Voltage Sags Are a Bummer
  6. Okay, so voltage sags are when the power drops as the battery gets used up. It’s kind of like when you’re skating super fast, and then you hit a sticky patch of soda on the sidewalk – suddenly, you’re not going anywhere fast. A healthy battery keeps the power delivery smooth and consistent, so voltage sags are less of an issue.

  7. Cold Weather Equals Lazy Battery
  8. Batteries are like us – they can get a bit lazy in the cold. When it’s chilly out, a battery can’t produce the same power. Picture trying to do an ollie with frozen fingers – not happening, right? Keep your battery cozy, and you’ll maintain better power output.

  9. Protect It from the Big Baddies
  10. Taking care of your skateboard’s battery is like protecting your deck from scrapes and scratches. Avoid leaving it in extreme temperatures or totally draining it before charging. Just like you need the right protective gear for a safe ride, your battery needs some TLC to keep its power-game strong.

In the end, your electric skateboard is only as gnarly as the battery powering it. Keeping your battery in peak condition means you’ll get the most power for longer rides and faster speeds. Now, go out there and show off what a well-fed battery can do on the concrete waves – but always remember to charge responsibly!

Image of a battery connected to an electric skateboard, emphasizing the importance of battery health for optimal performance

Motor and Wiring Inspection

Is Your Electric Skateboard Losing Its Spark? Troubleshoot Like a Pro!

Rollin’ smooth on your electric skateboard, but suddenly it seems like it’s lost its spark? Could be faulty wiring or a grumpy motor causing a power drain – let’s dive into what might be zapping your ride’s energy and how to fix it, without repeating the battery basics we’ve already covered.

Check the Wiring: A Tangle-Free Guide

Wires are like the veins of your skateboard, carrying the electric lifeblood to its motor-heart. If they’re crossed, damaged, or looser than your shoelaces, that’s no good. Here’s how to give them a check-up:

  1. Power Down: Safety first, friends – switch your board off before you play electrician.
  2. Pop the Hood: Open the compartment where your wires are resting. Bring in some light – you’re going spelunking in a cave of cables.
  3. Visual Inspection: Scan for signs of wear and tear – exposed wires, cuts, or if looks like a squirrel’s had a nibble.
  4. Feel Test: Gently wiggle those wires (with the board still off, remember?). If any of them move like a loose tooth, that’s suspect.

If you spot trouble, it’s time for some repair work or a pro visit. If the wires look like they’re in tip-top shape, it’s on to the motor.

Motor Mysteries Unraveled

Much like you after a long day, your skateboard’s motor can get tired. But unlike you, it can’t just recharge with a good night’s sleep. Here’s what to do:

  1. Listen Carefully: Power up and listen. Odd sounds coming from the motor are clues. Grinding, whirring, or a soundtrack of unhappy robot noises means something’s up.
  2. Spin it Right Round: Check the wheels and motor for smooth rotation. If it’s tighter than the lid on a pickle jar or refusing to spin freely, we’ve got an issue.
  3. Visual Deep Dive: No strange noises or stiff spins? Take a gander at the motor itself. Look for anything out of place – debris, dents, or disgruntled bugs.

If your motor’s giving you the silent treatment or it can’t spin to win, it might be repair time. Sometimes, all it needs is a clean or small adjustment.

In a Nutshell

If your electric skateboard is feeling drained, don’t just shrug it off. Double-check those wires and interrogate that motor with your newfound troubleshooting tips. Tackling these two suspects might just revive your board’s zip and zoom. So scoot over, mystery – we’ve got skateboarding to do!

Illustration of someone inspecting the wires and motor of an electric skateboard for troubleshooting purposes

Wheel and Belt Inspection

Alright, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of wheel resistance and how it’s the sneakiest culprit in the case of motor power loss. Imagine you’re on your favorite electric skateboard, cruising down the street, but you’re not zipping along like you used to. You start to ask yourself, “Is it the board or is it me?” Well, my friend, it’s more than likely a bit of both.

Now, wheel resistance is just like that clingy friend who won’t let you be great. It’s there, causing friction, and friction is like that one party pooper that can bring the whole show to a grinding halt. You see, when your wheels aren’t spinning freely, it’s like they’re sticking to the pavement with invisible glue. And when they stick, your motor has to work overtime just to keep things moving.

It’s a simple relationship: the more the resistance, the harder your motor has to work. And just like us after a long day, motors get tired too. Tired motors mean less zip, zip, and more sputter, sputter. Now, here’s where it gets real – the extra work from fighting resistance is a one-way ticket to Power Loss City for your motor.

Let’s put this in plain language: When your wheels fight against the road, the motor feels the burn and can’t give you the oomph it once could. It’s battling wheel resistance instead of sending you flying down the block. That’s right, it’s stealing your juice!

But this isn’t a doom and gloom story – oh no. Like any good superhero, you can combat wheel resistance. Start with a wheel-check mission. Spin those wheels manually. Feeling a grind? Hearing a screech? That’s resistance laughing at you. Silence it with regular cleaning, and if needed, replace those bearings to new, slick ones. Think of them as your wheels’ secret weapon to smooth rolling.

Okay, here’s your takeaway action list: Keep those wheels clean, check the bearings, and replace if necessary. Don’t let wheel resistance be the villain in your electric skateboard adventure. Show it who’s boss, and keep that motor power loss at bay. Now go get that smooth roll back!

image showing wheel resistance causing motor power loss

Photo by markusspiske on Unsplash

So, you’ve turned every screw and checked every wire – your skateboard is tuned and ready to hit the pavement with gusto. Just remember, keeping an eye on your electric skateboard’s vitals is not a one-time thing. Make it part of your skate ritual. Just like you wouldn’t ride without your helmet, don’t ride without giving your board a quick health check. Stay stoked, and let every ride be as epic as your last. Now grab your board and show the world what you’ve got – full battery, tight wheels, and all the power you need right beneath your feet!

Matt Powell