Weighing High Battery Capacity in Electric Skateboards

By Matt Powell •  Updated: 02/14/24 •  10 min read

When it comes to the exciting world of electric skateboarding, the capacity of a board’s battery plays a pivotal role in shaping the overall experience. Riding an electric skateboard transcends the boundaries of hobby or commuting and delivers an unmatched sense of freedom and speed. The secret behind this thrill often lies within the under-appreciated component of the electrical board – the high-capacity battery. Offering heightened power and remarkable energy storage capability, a high-capacity battery determines the overall performance of an e-skateboard by enhancing its speed, ride time, and distance coverage. Yet, choosing such a skateboard comes with its unique set of pros and cons. In this guide, we’ll take a deep dive into understanding what a ‘high-capacity battery’ really means, investigate the benefits and drawbacks, and outline key considerations when making your e-skateboarding selection.

Understanding Electric Skateboard Battery Capacity

When an electric skateboard enthusiast starts the hunt for that perfect board, there’s a laundry list of specifications to consider. Deck length, wheel size, motor power, and of course, battery capacity. But what does high battery capacity really mean for electric skateboards?

Put simply, a skateboard’s battery capacity refers to how much power it can store and subsequently use. It’s typically measured in Watt-hours (Wh). Think of it like a gas tank in a car – the bigger the tank, the further you can drive without needing to stop for a refill. Similarly, a high-capacity battery in an electric skateboard allows for greater range before the board needs recharging.

Now, why is this so important? Imagine setting off on a thrilling ride through the city, only to find half-way through the journey that the batteries are out of juice – inconvenient, to say the least! A high-capacity battery aims to prevent such scenarios. This increased power reserve gives riders the freedom to travel greater distances and enjoy longer ride times.

Furthermore, battery capacity can also impact the overall performance of the electric skateboard. Higher capacity often translates into more power, which essentially means that your skateboard could reach higher speeds and take on hilly terrains with gusto. Roomier batteries can also provide a more sustained output over time, keeping the board’s performance consistent throughout the ride.

However, it should be noted that a high-capacity battery isn’t all about roses and rainbows. These beefier power sources are usually larger and heavier, adding substantial weight to the board and potentially impacting maneuverability. And, they often come with hefty price tags. It becomes a game of balance, matching the rider’s needs with the cost and weight trade-offs.

When choosing an electric skateboard with high battery capacity, it’s crucial to consider the terrain and typical ride lengths. For those planning long rides or encountering steep inclines, the extra juice might be a worthy investment. On the other hand, for short commutes or leisurely rides, a lower capacity battery could suffice, saving both weight and money.

Still, the world of electric skateboards is continuously evolving, with manufacturers constantly innovating to produce lighter, more efficient batteries. High-capacity batteries may soon become less bulky and less expensive, making them more accessible to all electric skateboard enthusiasts.

So, there you have it! In the electrifying world of electric skateboards, the battery capacity is akin to the beating heart supplying power to each exhilarating ride. Understanding its role and significance can help every rider make the best choice for their skateboarding adventures.

A person riding an electric skateboard in a park, showcasing the importance of battery capacity for longer rides and more exhilarating experiences.

Pros of High Battery Capacity Electric Skateboards

Enjoying the exhilaration of speeding downhill or cruising through the park on your electric skateboard can be cut short if the battery runs out of juice. That’s where the benefit of high-capacity batteries comes in.

High-capacity batteries are a boon for those who enjoy long rides on their electric skateboards. Unlike their lower capacity counterparts, high-capacity batteries can provide a much longer board run time. This means extensive ride durations, covering more distance, and indulging in the skateboard lifestyle uninhibited by the worry of a dying battery. Not to mention the freedom of not being constantly on the lookout for charging stations.

A common misconception is that a higher capacity battery might adversely affect the skateboard’s performance. In reality, though not contributing significantly to speed, a higher capacity battery can actually enhance the complete ride experience. For example, when weaving through rough terrains or uphill paths, where more power is required, a high-capacity battery can maintain consistent performance without draining quickly. Thus, it ensures your ride is smoother and far more enjoyable.

Choosing an electric skateboard with a high-capacity battery is also an environmentally conscious decision. These batteries are typically designed to last longer, both in terms of a single charge and overall lifespan. This reduces the need and frequency for battery replacements, minimizing waste and contributing to a greener planet.

Yes, high-capacity batteries can add some weight to your skateboard and come with a higher price tag. However, as technology advances, batteries are becoming lighter and more cost-effective. A high-capacity battery could be a great long-term investment that extends not just the life of your skateboard, but also of your joyrides.

Lastly, the world of battery technology is relentlessly progressing. Emerging tech like solid-state batteries promise higher energy capacity without the substantial weight. This could mean lighter electric skateboards that run longer, truly exemplifying the best of both worlds. So as electric skateboard enthusiasts, it’s exciting to watch out for what changes the future may hold.

So whether you are a casual rider or a full-blown aficionado, recollecting the thrill of your skateboard cruising seamlessly without much worry for recharging, it’s undeniable that high-capacity batteries can be a real game-changer. Choose wisely, ride longer, and enjoy the skateboarding journey to the fullest!

Illustration of an electric skateboard with a long-lasting battery, symbolizing the benefits of high-capacity batteries.

Cons of High Battery Capacity Electric Skateboards

Now let’s flip the coin and delve into the potential downsides of high-capacity batteries in electric skateboards.

While often celebrated for their ability to extend ride times, higher capacity batteries come with their own set of challenges that merit careful consideration.

One significant hurdle is the increase in charging times. A larger battery capacity typically translates to longer waiting periods for your board to reach a full charge. Imagine you’re all set for an exciting day of skateboarding, only to discover that your board’s battery still has a couple of hours to go before it’s fully juiced up. That can surely be a damper on your skating plans!

Another paramount concern is the wear and tear on the skateboard’s other components due to the heavier weight of high-capacity batteries. The added bulk from the larger battery tests the durability of an electric skateboard’s axles, wheels, and bearings, decreasing their lifespan over time. Some might argue that it’s a small price to pay for extended ride times. But if it leads to frequent replacements of other components, the costs could add up.

Furthermore, the heavier battery can also affect the skateboard’s maneuverability, making it challenging to handle, especially for new riders. A heavier board can be less responsive and harder to control, perhaps turning a relaxing ride into a strenuous workout.

High-capacity batteries may also have a shortened lifespan due to overcharge and discharge cycles. Although built for endurance, these batteries might not achieve their designated lifespan if not properly managed. Like all good things, even high-capacity batteries require care – Overcharging or discharging them completely can significantly eat into their lifecycle.

An additional factor to ponder is the impact on portability. Ease of transport is one of the attributes that make electric skateboards appealing. The added weight of a high-capacity battery could complicate this, making it troublesome to carry the board when it’s not being ridden.

While it’s evident that high-capacity batteries have their fair share of disadvantages, it’s still worth noting that the advantages, for many, tend to outweigh these drawbacks. The quest for the perfect balance between battery capacity, charge times, weight, and lifespan continues with constant advancements in battery technology. It might not be perfect yet, but we’re undoubtedly heading in an exciting direction.

Remember, understanding the intricacies of your electric skateboard’s battery is key. Every ride is a unique experience and having the knowledge of battery capacity’s pros and cons arms you with the insight to shape your ride for the better. Enjoy the thrill of the ride, but keep these thoughts in mind when you’re prepping your board for your next adventure. Happy skating!

Image of a person riding an electric skateboard

Key Considerations when Choosing High-Capacity Electric Skateboards

Wrapping your head around the concept of a “high-capacity” battery for an electric skateboard might seem complicated. Fear not, let’s break it down in comprehensible bites. After discussing its definition, measurement, and role in board performance, it’s time to delve a little deeper.

Once the capacity is cranked up, expect charging times to increase. An expected caveat, but essential to bear in mind; It’s no magic formula. Bigger batteries need more juice, hence the longer wait at the plug point.

Meanwhile, it’s a tad worrying but true – more capacity means more weight. The heavyweight can put extra stress on the skateboard components, potentially causing premature wear and tear. At the same time, it may negatively affect the board’s maneuverability and control, somewhat slowing down those quick turns and swift moves.

Another point to remember, an increase in capacity may impact the battery lifespan. Overcharging and discharging cycles might shorten the life of a high-capacity battery. Careful monitoring and proper charging practices would be a significant step towards ensuring your battery rides out its full potential.

The added weight could potentially throw a spanner in the works when it comes to portability. Lugging around a hefty board might not be everyone’s cup of tea. However, the thought of not having to search for a charging outlet every so often may outweigh the potential inconvenience, making it a ponder-worthy trade-off.

Despite all these considerations, rest assured, high-capacity batteries often end up being blessings in disguise. Its merits invariably tend to overshadow the drawbacks. Furthemore, there’s constant tinkering and innovations happening in the world of batteries, bringing a ray of hope for lighter yet more powerful offering in the offing.

So, while you quest for that “just right” electric skateboard, remember, knowing your needs is key. After all, understanding the nitty-gritty details of your board’s powerhouse paves the way for a more satisfying and thrilling ride.

Image of a high-capacity battery for an electric skateboard, showcasing its power and efficiency.

In the journey of selecting a high-capacity electric skateboard, you’ll encounter multiple facets. From the thrusting speed and extended ride time reserved in your skateboard’s power reserve to somewhat inconvenient realities such as increased board weight and longer recharge times, it’s all part-and-parcel of owning a high-capacity e-board. However, the thrill and freedom afforded by these enhanced skateboards often outweigh their potential cons, making them a worthy investment to enhance your e-skating experience. When you’re on the market for one, remember the importance of considering factors such as the battery type and quality, your particular riding needs, and the balance between battery power and other essential board characteristics. By doing so, you’re not only purchasing an electric skateboard – you’re investing in an elevated skateboarding experience, replete with increased staying power, range, and performance.

Matt Powell