Mastering Electric Skateboards for Beginners

By Matt Powell •  Updated: 10/10/23 •  8 min read

As the era of conventional skateboards comes to a close, the astonishing wave of electric skateboards is gathering steam and luring individuals from all walks of life. The world of electric skateboarding, however, may initially be confusing to beginners because of the abundance of motors, controllers, and wheels. Not to mention the critical need of safety precautions and learning the fundamentals of riding so that you may confidently cruise down the road, through parks, or down hills. Let’s cover all you need to know, from comprehending the components of an electric skateboard and how they interact to improve your riding experience, to taking safety precautions and learning the fundamentals of riding until you master electric skateboards for beginners.

Understanding Your Electric Skateboard

Essential Functionalities for You: Electric Skateboards For Beginners

The world is speeding up, with technology playing a huge role in this acceleration. As tech enthusiasts, we grab every opportunity to elevate our gear, and nothing exemplifies this trend more than the rise of the electric skateboard.

An electric skateboard is more than just wheels and a board. This advanced toy houses robust features that make it a must-have gadget for thrill seekers and eco conscious commuters alike. By integrating technology into our ride, we elevate our mobility, convenience, and fun. Here are some crucial functionalities to look for when looking for an electric skateboard.

  1. Speed and Range:
    • The basic appeals of an electric skateboard are speed and range. High-end electric skateboards should provide a maximum speed of 22-28mph. Simultaneously, the range – which pertains to how far your electric skateboard can travel on a single charge – should be between 7-20 miles.
  2. Battery Life:
    • Battery life is a make-or-break aspect of electric skateboards. You want the best return on your investment, staving off the need for frequent charging. Look for models with a premium lithium-ion battery that promises a long lifespan and excellent performance. Some models offer an upgradeable or even swappable battery option, extending your battery life.
  3. Motor Type:
    • Electric skateboards come with both hub motors and belt drives. Hub motors are quieter and require less maintenance. Belt drive motors, on the other hand, provide more torque and better acceleration — a good fit for climbing steep hills.
  4. Robust Remote:
    • A good electric skateboard remote should have a simple layout with easy to reach controls. Opt for a remote that displays real-time riding data such as speed, battery life, and distance traveled.
  5. Terrain Adaptability:
    • If you’re planning on cruising in a variety of environments, consider electric skateboards that are adaptable to both smooth and rough terrains. All-terrain electric skateboards are now available, providing a wider traveling scope.
  6. Weight Capacity:
    • Ensure that the electric skateboard can comfortably support your weight while maintaining its performance. Most boards can carry between 200 and 330 pounds.
  7. Safety Features:
    • Safety should never be compromised. Features such as integrated lights (both front and rear), good brakes, and non-slip deck grip are important considerations for safe riding.
  8. Smartphone App:
    • Advanced electric skateboards come with a dedicated smartphone app. Ensuring your skateboard has one means you can monitor and adjust your board’s settings directly from your phone, enhancing the overall user experience.
  9. Quality Construction:
    • Last but not least, prioritize boards that combine both quality and performance. Look for a robust build (like decks made out of bamboo or maple), smooth trucks, reliable wheels, and a waterproof rating.

In a rapidly evolving tech landscape, getting your ride right means focusing on significant features that boost your electric skateboard’s performance and durability. Because in the end, investing in the right technology today means smooth, exhilarating rides for years to come.

Safety First: Protective Gear and Precautions

Don’t Roll the Dice: Crucial Safety Measures for Electric Skateboarding

Electric skateboards are an innovative blend of fun and functionality. However, as thrilling as they are, it’s critical to ensure your safety while riding these high-tech boards to maintain a fun environment, all while staying as safe as possible.

Equip Yourself Right

First things first, it’s crucial to wear proper safety equipment. Helmets, knee and elbow pads, and wrist guards are non-negotiable. I can speak from experience in this department. I recently broke my rib while on my WoWGo 3x from not wearing the proper safety gear. Invest in a high-quality helmet specifically designed for electric skateboarding to protect against any potential head injuries. Reflective clothing or gear is also recommended for low light conditions to increase visibility.

Understand Your Board

Comprehending your electric skateboard’s intricacies makes a significant difference in enhancing your safety. Spend some time getting accustomed to your board’s acceleration and braking and the nuances that are attached to each board. Remember, abrupt movements can lead to mishaps.

Respect Traffic Rules

Respecting traffic regulations is vital, not only for your safety but for others around you. Stick to bike lanes where possible, signal your turns and respect pedestrian spaces.

Stay Alert

Avoid distractions and maintain clear visibility. Listening to music or looking at your smartphone while riding could result in accidents. Always keep an eye out for potholes, crossing pedestrians, or other potential obstacles such as sticks, rocks, or pinecones.

Maintain Your Board Regularly

Fitness for your board is as essential as it is for yourself. Regular maintenance checks can prevent unexpected malfunctions while riding. Periodic inspections of the wheels, battery condition, and overall electric system of your skateboard will lead to a sustained and safer ride.

Opt For Well Lit Routes and Avoid Water or Loose Sand

Last but not least, lit routes are always safer than unlit ones. It’s also crucial to note that most electric skateboards aren’t designed to handle wet surfaces very well. Try to skirt around puddles and avoid riding during rainfalls. Riding through sand that has migrated onto roads or walkways can also cause your board to lose traction.

Adding these measures into your riding routine can genuinely enhance your overall electric skateboarding experience.

Master Basic Riding Techniques

Electric Skateboarding 101: Mastering Basic Riding and Turning Techniques

After thoroughly equipping yourself with knowledge of electric skateboarding, specifically covering specifics like speed, range, motor types, battery life and safety features, it’s about time to take a deeper look into the practical side of things. Let’s explore the basic riding and turning techniques that promise a thrilling experience on an electric skateboard.

Starting Off: The Stance

Before pushing the throttle, understanding the correct riding stance is essential for your comfort and safety. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and your forward foot angled at about 45 degrees and your back foot almost perpendicular to the direction of motion. This stance optimizes stability, control, and mobility, forming the base of all further maneuvers.

The Cruising Game

After establishing a secure stance, gently push the throttle and gradually increase the speed. Maintain a slight bend in the knees throughout your entire ride to improve balance and reduce the impact of vibrations from the terrain you are riding. Accelerate gradually and allow time for your body to adjust to the changing momentum.

Mastering the Art of Turning

Just like traditional skateboards, electric ones require the rider’s body to lean for turns. Most electric skateboards come with a handheld remote that manages your speed, but leaning is always a key component to electric skateboarding. Learning to lean into turns – shifting weight onto edge of the board for sharper turns and onto the center for wider ones – adds a extra layer of control and is crucial at higher speeds.

Foot Braking

It’s always advised to get accustomed to foot braking. Despite being electrically equipped with braking mechanisms, foot braking serves as a reliable backup in emergencies when one needs to rapidly decelerate. To perform a foot brake, simply drop the rear foot to the ground and apply friction to slow down, always making sure to maintain a forward-looking posture.

Hill Climbing and Descending

Electric skateboards are more than competent in tackling inclines. When ascending, lean forward to counteract gravity and keep your weight more towards the front of the board. Conversely, while descending, take a slight backward lean and maintain moderate, controlled speed to ensure safety and stability.

Practice is the key to becoming proficient in riding and turning techniques on an electric skateboard. Also, these skills, while initially might seem daunting, become second nature over time. As one adapts to the electric skateboard’s feel and functioning, the ride becomes an enjoyable experience coupled with convenience and efficiency. Ride safe and enjoy the thrilling world of electric skateboarding!

A person riding an electric skateboard on a city street

The thrill of riding an electric skateboard comes with the responsibility of understanding your ride and ensuring your safety at all times. By familiarizing yourself with the functional aspects of your electric skateboard and consistently practicing safety measures and key riding skills, you pave the way for a secure and enjoyable electric skateboarding experience. Remember, every expert rider was once a beginner and their continuous practice, is what turns a novice into a pro.

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Matt Powell