Essential Safety Gear for Electric Skateboarding

By Matt Powell •  Updated: 10/12/23 •  15 min read

Electric skateboarding has grown tremendously in popularity, surfacing as an exhilarating sport as well as a handy transportation method. It offers an alternative to traditional skateboarding, and is becoming increasingly popular for commuting and recreation. However, electric skateboarding can be dangerous without the proper safety gear.

Importance of Safety Gear For Electric Skateboarding

Electric skateboarding is an exhilarating and fast-paced activity that provides a unique way to navigate through the city. With its growing popularity, it’s important to understand the significance of safety gear in electric skateboarding. This section will highlight why safety gear for electric skateboarding is crucial for electric skateboarding, emphasizing the importance of protecting yourself while enjoying this thrilling mode of transportation.

Electric skateboarding involves high speeds and increased risks compared to traditional skateboarding. With electric skateboards reaching speeds of up to 25 miles per hour, the potential for accidents and injuries becomes significantly higher. Wearing the proper safety gear can greatly reduce the risk of serious injury, providing riders with a sense of security and peace of mind.

Imagine riding your board on a running path around a lake on a nice fall day. Everything is clear and you are cruising around having a blast. Up ahead are a trio of walkers and you look to them for a brief second and the next thing you know, you are flying through the air and suddenly smack the ground and slide to a halt. You grip your chest as the pain shoots through you, your skin scraped in numerous places, and a broken rib. Sounds painful, right? Well this happened to me on my electric skateboard so I can’t stress enough the importance of safety gear.

One of the most critical pieces of safety gear for electric skateboarding is a helmet. Helmets protect the rider’s most vulnerable body part – the head. In the event of a fall or collision, a helmet can prevent life-altering brain injuries and concussions. Investing in a quality helmet that meets safety standards is a must for any electric skateboarder. Not wearing a helmet while cycling is associated with an increased risk of sustaining a fatal head injury. (NIH)

Additionally, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards are essential components of safety gear for electric skateboarding. These protective pads and guards offer cushioning and support to crucial joints and bones, reducing the risk of fractures, sprains, and abrasions. They absorb the impact of falls, allowing riders to confidently push their limits without the fear of getting injured.

Furthermore, full-body armor is another option for riders looking for maximum protection. These comprehensive sets typically include shoulder, chest, and back protectors, ensuring that every part of the body is shielded from potential harm. While full-body armor may not be necessary for every rider, those engaging in high-speed rides or extreme tricks can greatly benefit from this additional layer of protection.

Lastly, choosing the right shoes is essential in ensuring a safe and comfortable ride. Electric skateboarders should opt for shoes with a sturdy sole and good ankle support to enhance stability and reduce the risk of ankle injuries. Flat-bottomed shoes are particularly recommended as they provide a solid grip on the board.

Examining Types of Safety Gear


When it comes to electric skateboarding, wearing a helmet is non-negotiable. Your head is the most vulnerable part of your body, and protecting it should be your top priority. A helmet can mean the difference between a minor accident and a life-altering brain injury.

But not just any helmet will do. It’s important to invest in a quality helmet that meets safety standards. Look for helmets that are specifically designed for skateboarding and have been certified by organizations such as the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) or the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). These certifications ensure that the helmet has undergone rigorous testing and meets the necessary safety requirements.

When choosing a helmet, make sure it fits properly. It should sit snugly on your head, with the chinstrap securely fastened. You should be able to shake your head vigorously without the helmet moving around. It’s also important to replace your helmet if it has been involved in a crash, as the integrity of the helmet may be compromised.

There are different types of helmets available, but for electric skateboarding, a full-face helmet is highly recommended. This type of helmet provides added protection for your face and jaw, reducing the risk of facial injuries in the event of a fall or collision.

Remember, wearing a helmet isn’t just about protecting yourself; it sets a good example for others as well. By wearing a helmet, you’re promoting a culture of safety and showing others that it’s cool to prioritize your well-being. So, don’t forget to strap on your helmet every time you hop on your electric skateboard. It’s a small investment that can have a huge impact on your safety and peace of mind.

Knee Pads

Knee pads are a vital piece of safety gear for electric skateboarding. As riders, we put a lot of strain on our knees, and in the event of a fall or collision, they are particularly susceptible to injury. That’s why investing in high-quality knee pads is essential for protecting yourself and enjoying a safe ride.

The main purpose of knee pads is to provide cushioning and support to your knees. They are designed to absorb the impact of falls, reducing the risk of fractures, sprains, and abrasions. The padding in knee pads helps to distribute the force of impact, preventing it from being concentrated on one area. This not only reduces the risk of injury but also allows riders to confidently push their limits without the fear of getting hurt.

When choosing knee pads, it’s important to find a pair that fits properly and offers a secure and comfortable fit. They should be snug but not too tight, allowing for freedom of movement while still staying in place. Adjustable straps or fasteners can help ensure a proper fit and prevent the knee pads from slipping or sliding during a ride.

Look for knee pads that are made from durable materials and have reinforced stitching. This will ensure that they can withstand the rigors of electric skateboarding and provide long-lasting protection. It’s also worth considering knee pads with additional features such as moisture-wicking fabric or ventilation to keep your knees cool and comfortable during rides.

Remember, knee pads are not just for beginners or those who engage in extreme tricks. Even experienced riders can benefit from the added protection that knee pads provide. So, whether you’re a casual rider or an adrenaline junkie, make knee pads an essential part of your electric skateboarding gear.

Elbow Pads

Elbow pads are an essential piece of safety gear for electric skateboarding. While protecting our heads and knees is crucial, we can’t overlook the importance of safeguarding our elbows. Electric skateboarding involves fast speeds and high risks, making the potential for falls and collisions quite significant. Elbow pads offer crucial protection for this vulnerable joint, ensuring that riders can confidently take on any obstacle without fear of serious injury.

The main purpose of elbow pads is to absorb the impact of falls and collisions, reducing the risk of fractures, sprains, and abrasions. Just the same as knee pads, elbow pads provide cushioning and support to the elbows, preventing any concentrated force from causing severe damage.

When choosing elbow pads, look for ones that offer a snug and secure fit. They should comfortably hug your elbows without restricting movement. Adjustable straps or fasteners can help achieve a proper fit and prevent the elbow pads from slipping or shifting during rides.

Durability is also a crucial factor to consider when selecting elbow pads. Look for pads made from strong and long-lasting materials, with reinforced stitching to withstand the demands of electric skateboarding. The pads should also be flexible enough to allow for a full range of motion, ensuring that they don’t impede your riding experience.

Remember, even if you consider yourself a skilled rider, accidents can still happen. Elbow pads provide an extra layer of protection that can make all the difference in preventing serious injuries.

Wrist Guards

Wrist guards are also an essential piece of safety gear for electric skateboarding. When it comes to falls and collisions, our instinct is often to brace ourselves with our hands, making our wrists vulnerable to injuries. Wearing wrist guards can significantly reduce the risk of fractures, sprains, and other wrist-related injuries, allowing riders to confidently push their limits without worrying about potential harm.

The main purpose of wrist guards is to provide support and stability to the wrists, as well as impact absorption in the event of a fall. They are designed to prevent hyperextension or excessive flexion of the wrist, reducing the likelihood of severe injuries. The sturdy construction and padding in wrist guards help distribute the force of impact, protecting the delicate bones and ligaments in the wrist area.

When choosing wrist guards, look for ones that offer a secure and comfortable fit. They should snugly wrap around your wrists, without being too tight or restricting your movement. Adjustable straps or fasteners can help ensure a proper fit and prevent the wrist guards from shifting during rides. Additionally, consider wrist guards that are made from durable materials and have reinforced stitching.

Don’t underestimate the importance of wrist guards – invest in a high-quality pair and ride with peace of mind, knowing that you’ve taken the necessary precautions to protect yourself while enjoying the exhilarating world of electric skateboarding.

Upper Body Armor and Chest Protector

Full body armor is the ultimate form of protection for electric skateboarders looking to take their riding to the next level. While it may not be necessary for every rider, those engaging in high-speed rides or extreme tricks can greatly benefit from this additional layer of security.

Full body armor typically includes shoulder, chest, and back protectors, ensuring that every part of the body is shielded from potential harm. These protective gear pieces are designed to absorb the impact of falls and collisions, reducing the risk of fractures, sprains, and other serious injuries.

When it comes to full body armor, durability is key. Look for armor that is made from strong materials and has reinforced stitching, as it needs to withstand the demands of electric skateboarding. It should also provide a comfortable and secure fit, allowing for a full range of motion while providing ample protection. While wearing full body armor, movement will be more limited than not wearing it, but if you feel you need that protection, you can do no better.

If you are looking to protect your ribcage, like I should have, opt for a chest protector. Many BMX bikers and Dirt Bikers use chest protectors to protect their upper torso in the event of falls and crashes.

While full body armor may seem excessive to some, it’s important to remember that electric skateboarding involves high speeds and increased risks compared to traditional skateboarding. By wearing full body armor, riders can have the peace of mind to push their limits without the fear of potential injuries.

Choosing The Right Shoes

When it comes to electric skateboarding, choosing the right shoes is crucial for a safe and comfortable ride. Your footwear plays a significant role in enhancing stability and reducing the risk of ankle injuries. So, what should you look for when selecting shoes for electric skateboarding?

Opt for shoes with a sturdy sole. A solid grip on the board is essential to maintain balance and control while riding. Shoes with a thick and durable sole provide better traction, allowing you to confidently carve through turns and navigate various terrains. Avoid shoes with thin or flimsy soles, as they can decrease stability and increase the risk of slipping or falling off the board.

Ankle support is another critical factor to consider. Look for shoes that provide good ankle support to minimize the risk of sprains and strains. High-top shoes or shoes with additional padding around the ankle area offer extra stability and protection. Remember, electric skateboarding involves high speeds and sudden movements, so having secure ankle support is essential for preventing injuries.

Furthermore, choose shoes that are comfortable and fit well. A snug yet comfortable fit ensures that your feet won’t move around inside the shoes while riding, preventing blisters and discomfort. It’s recommended to try on different shoe brands and styles to find the one that suits your foot shape and size the best. Pay attention to any areas of tightness or discomfort and make adjustments accordingly.

Electric skateboarding can be tough on footwear, with constant contact and friction against the grip tape. Look for shoes made from durable materials that can withstand the wear and tear of skateboarding. Reinforced stitching and quality construction are signs of a shoe that will last through numerous rides.

Various safety gear for electric skateboarding including helmets, pads, wrist guards, slide gloves, and high visibility gear.

Essential Accessories For Increased Visibility

In addition to the essential safety gear mentioned earlier, there are some accessories that can greatly enhance your visibility while electric skateboarding, ensuring that you are seen by others on the road. Increased visibility is vital for the safety of both you and those around you, as it helps to prevent accidents and allows for better communication with drivers and pedestrians.

One essential accessory for increased visibility is a high-visibility vest or jacket. These vests are made with reflective materials that shine brightly when illuminated by headlights, making you highly visible to others, especially during nighttime rides. By wearing a high-visibility vest, you can greatly reduce the chances of being overlooked by drivers and increase your overall safety on the road.

Another accessory that can greatly enhance your visibility is a set of LED lights. These lights can be attached to your electric skateboard, helmet, or clothing, and they emit a bright and attention-grabbing light that can be seen from a distance. Not only do LED lights increase your visibility, but they also add a cool and stylish element to your electric skateboarding experience.

Reflective stickers and tape are also excellent accessories for enhancing visibility. These can be applied to your helmet, electric skateboard, or even your clothing to increase your visibility during low-light conditions. Reflective stickers and tape reflect light, making you easily noticeable to others, even from a distance.

Lastly, consider investing in a headlight and taillight for your electric skateboard. These lights can be easily attached to the front and back of your board and provide an extra layer of visibility, especially when riding in dark or dimly lit areas. The headlight illuminates the path ahead, allowing you to see any obstacles in your way, while the taillight alerts others to your presence, making your movements clear and predictable.

Tips For Properly Using Safety Gear

Using safety gear properly is just as important as wearing it in the first place. Here are some tips to ensure that you are using your safety gear correctly and maximizing its effectiveness:

1. Size and Fit: It is crucial to choose safety gear that fits properly. Ill-fitting gear can be uncomfortable and may not provide adequate protection. Make sure your helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, and any other safety gear you use are the right size and adjust them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

2. Wear All the Gear: While some riders may feel tempted to skip certain pieces of safety gear, it is essential to wear all of the recommended equipment. This means not only wearing a helmet but also knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards. Each piece of gear serves a specific purpose in protecting different parts of your body, and wearing them all together provides comprehensive protection.

3. Replace Damaged Gear: Safety gear can wear out over time, especially with frequent use. Inspect your gear regularly for any signs of damage such as cracks, tears, or worn-out padding. If you notice any damage, replace the gear immediately to ensure it can still provide proper protection.

4. Regular Maintenance: Properly maintaining your safety gear is crucial for its longevity and effectiveness. Clean your gear regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Keep straps and fastenings in good condition, ensuring that they can still secure the gear properly.

5. Practice Safe Riding Techniques: While safety gear is essential, it should not be seen as a substitute for responsible riding. Always practice safe riding techniques, obey traffic rules, and be aware of your surroundings. Stay within your skill level and avoid risky maneuvers that could increase the chances of an accident.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you are using your safety gear properly and maximizing its effectiveness. Remember, safety gear is there to protect you, but it is up to you to use it correctly and make safe choices while riding. Ride with confidence, knowing that you are taking every precaution to keep yourself safe while enjoying the exhilarating world of electric skateboarding.

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Matt Powell